bot Our 6th Birthday | Motorfinity

Motorfinity 6th Birthday

Motorfinity 6th Birthday

It’s now 6 years since CEO, Daniel Briggs and COO, Dean Skiba, co-founded Motorfinity. In celebration, we take a moment to reflect on the company’s 6th year

We’ve moved to new premises to accommodate our growing team and continued to build our ‘One-Stop-Shop’ with more in-house divisions – all part of our massive drive to provide the very best service possible for our customers. We surpassed the Trustpilot milestone of reaching over 1300+ reviews and with an ‘Excellent’ rating we continue to receive the ultimate compliment of lovely comments from returning customers.

With new business development manager, Leanne Cooper, now in position, we are constantly expanding our partnerships. Building on our relationships with partners, suppliers, colleagues, or customers is of the utmost importance… ALWAYS!

As our business has grown so has our desire to support both national and local charities. We’ve paddled up the river, jumped out of airplanes, dressed up as superheroes, endured the pain of sponsored leg waxing alongside many other activities, (a lot of them involving food!) to raise much needed funds. We’ve built wonderful links with our charities with marketing initiatives to sustain and enhance their fundraising future. We are all grateful to Dean who has been 100% committed to driving this support with his ‘out of the box’, creative-thinking approach.

For Daniel, there’s been a ‘life in full circle’ moment this year: Starting out as a little ‘Imp’ at the age of 5, he now sponsors the Imps’ Motorcycle Display Team under the Motorfinity banner 😊 – one of a growing number of company sponsorships.

We are all extremely proud to put generosity over greed. We’ve been accredited as a ‘Living Wage’ employer this year and everyone at Motorfinity is celebrating a 6-year journey with caring bosses who love to see the lives of their staff made better in many ways. This perpetuates and escalates through to every aspect of the services we provide. Our promise? We will always go the extra mile and endeavour to give as much added value as we possibly can.

On that note, what’s up next? Our focus is always on SIMPLICITY, CONVENIENCE, SERVICE AND VALUE, and we are on the verge of something big to benefit our customers even more – watch this space!

Exciting times to come! Here’s to the next 6 years…